Audi Q7

Audi Q7

One-piece octagon cooler in the front parties of the Vehicle Audi Q7 captures attention as well as the side threshold design. In the vehicle interior you will enjoy comfort as in a luxury lounge that offers a perfect bang sound Bang and Olufsen with 3D sound, the package of multicolored ambient lighting and comfortable driving experience for up to seven passengers.
From 95 € per day

peopleSeating7 seats

luggageLuggage4x big bag / 6x small bag


fuelFuelPetrol, Diesel


airconAir conditioningYes


leatherLeather seatsYes


alloy_wheelsAlloy wheelsYes


doorsColorAccording to the current offer

Other cars from the category SUV

From 139 €
From 139 €
From 95 €
From 95 €

Other cars of the brand Audi

From 33 €
From 60 €
From 60 €
From 139 €
From 139 €
From 125 €

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Important information


Deposit can be paid by bank transfer, direct deposit to our bank account, or by credit card when picking up the vehicle (we do not accept cash). In the case of payment by transfer and direct deposit, use the IBAN listed in the header of the contract and enter the contract number as the variable symbol.

We do not issue an invoice for the deposit.

Limit km per day

Mileage limit allowed 150 / day. If you borrow a car for 10 days and you are allowed 150km / day, you can ride a 1500 km / 10-day. It is not a problem if one day get 150 km and others are only 50 km, but you must not exceed 1500 km outcome for the whole time rental. 

When renting 30 or more days, you can drive 100km / day with a total mileage limit of 30days / 3000km.

* The exceeded limit is charged under the category of rented vehicle, in terms of that price list AUTO Prestige.

Unlimited kilometers

In our offer there is a choice of cars with a limited or unlimited number of miles.
Price per kilometer beyond the daily limit is set as defined in the AUTO Prestige price list.

* The price per kilometer above the daily limit is set in accordance with the AUTO Prestige price list

Baby seat

The possibility of renting a child’s car seat within the meaning of the AUTO Prestige price list. Children’s car seats can be placed in selected vehicle models. On the front seats, they are allowed to store a child car seat with only a deactivated airbag. In another case, the child seat can be placed on the rear seats.

Bicycle carrier

The possibility of renting a bicycle carrier in terms of said AUTO Prestige price list.

Ski box

Possibility of hiring boxes on skis in terms of said AUTO Prestige price list.

Insurance and additional services


We provide our customers first-class service and thus our internal accessory service you can pay when renting a vehicle. The advantage of this service is that you do not have to pay participation or. Vehicle damage fee. This optional service that covers one vehicle costs 66 € / 3 days and 19,90 € / over 3 days for each day started. Prices include VAT service not pay for selected categories of vehicles.


Base insurance

All-rented vehicles AUTO Prestige have statutory and emergency insurance. PZP is insurance liability for damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle and replaces the damage to a third party – damaged.

Pasagers insurance

we are preparing this insurance for you …

Baggage insurance

we are preparing this insurance for you …

Dôležité informácie


Depozit je možné uhradiť prevodom, priamym vkladom na náš bankový účet, alebo platobnou kartou pri vyzdvihnutí vozidla (s hotovosťou nepracujeme). V prípade úhrady prevodom a priamym vkladom, použite IBAN uvedený v hlavičke zmluvy a ako variabilný symbol uveďte číslo zmluvy.

Faktúru za depozit nevystavujeme.

Obmedzenie km na day

Povolený limit najazdených km je 150/day. Ak si požičiate auto na 10 dní a máte povolených 150km/day, môžete najazdiť 1500 km/10dní. Nie je problém, ak jeden day najazdíte 150 km a ostatné už len 50 km, ale vo výsledku za celú dobu požičania nesmiete prekročiť 1500 km.

Pri nájme 30 a viac dní môžete najazdiť 100km/day s celkovým limitom kilometrov na 30dní/3000km.

* Prekročený limit sa účtuje v rámci kategórie prenajatého vozidla, v zmysle uvedeného cenníka AUTO Prestige. 

Unlimited kilometers

V našej ponuke je možnosť výberu áut s obmedzeným alebo neobmedzeným počtom kilometrov. 

* Cena za kilometer nad rámec denného limitu je stanovená v zmysle uvedeného cenníka AUTO Prestige 

Baby seat

Možnosť prenájmu detskej autosedačky v zmysle uvedeného cenníka AUTO Prestige. Detské autosedačky je možné umiestniť do vybraných modelov vozidiel. Na predných sedadlách je povolené ukladať detskú autosedačku len s deaktivovaným airbagom. V inom prípade je možné umiestniť detskú autosedačku na zadné sedadlá. 

Nosič na bicykle

Možnosť prenájmu nosiča na bicykle v zmysle uvedeného cenníka AUTO Prestige. 

Ski box

Možnosť prenájmu boxu na lyže v zmysle uvedeného cenníka AUTO Prestige. 

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